- Swim 1:30
- Bike 7:15
- Run 6:30

No, it's not about a man who is going to drink a lot of wine in 2011. In fact I don't drink anymore. I am training for an Iron Man distance triathlon with Team In Training. The event will be in July 2011 - Vineman in Sonoma, California. Please also visit my fund-raising page - these money will go to the cause of fighting Leukemia and Lymphoma.
Hi there!
I am still here. I didn't write for 14 weeks but I am still here and training for an IronMan distance triathlon Full Vineman which is going to take place on July 30, 2011.
It's been a long but exciting journey. Six time a week training for more than half year. Intensity and time of training increasing from week to week. Great team and wonderful teammates.
I am used to running or biking on a constantly fatigued and sore muscles. I learned to swim in open water and started actually enjoying it. I am already used to my friends looking at me as crazy.
I am still afraid of falling from bike at full speed. I saw it already, a teammate fell right in front of me - lots of blood but fortunately only skin cuts and bruises.
Funny thing - I am at the same weight as I started the training season - 210 lb. I burn thousands and thousands calories and couldn't say that I eat too much. But my stubborn body doesn't want to lose that glycemic storages (a.k.a. love handles) for the fear of getting out of fuel on a 80 miles ride.
April 30, 2011 - we (our team and I) did Wildflower long course triathlon. Basically it's a half IronMan distance but much tougher because of elevation. I post some pictures from this course here.
I want to thank my girlfriend Jenia for her constant support and patience (those practices take so much time).
I would like to thank everyone who already donated - your donations make it possible for me to be on this exciting journey. I also want to thank my company www.ebay.com for generous matching some of the donations.
I am at 78% of my fundraising goal - about $1200 to go. Please help me reach this goal and make another small step towards finding a cure for blood cancer. Here is the donation link: http://pages.teamintraining.org/sj/VineFIrn11/mgavryuchk
Mikhail (a.k.a. Misha)
First of all I want to thank all folks who donated since my last update three weeks ago: Joseph Pigg, Timur Ileev, Kate Zhukovskaya, Julia Horvath, Artem Melnykov & Iryna Malakhivska, Lutsiya Ibragimova, Robin Podesta, Chris Kennedy, Denis Gavryuchkov (yessss, my brother from Moscow!!!), Mayya & Denis Lavrenko, Robert Van Tuyl (with Gemstone Global Services), Artsiom Dolia.
Thank you guys! You are awesome! You make it possible for me to do this crazy IronMan thing. And you fight leukemia!
I am here and still training... The training becomes longer every week - last Sunday we had a 3 hours of bike riding followed by an hour of running. Strangely, the week before I couldn't do anything after practices except lying in bed. Now I can function (almost) normally - go shopping, visit friends, etc. Body seems to get used to it.
Three weeks ago we had Louie Bunpua tribute triathlon. Louie Bunpua was a leukemia patient who trained in the IronTeam and completed his IronMan distance just half a year before he passed away. Here is more about the guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq-xBHdnHLE
What's coming: IronMan bootcamp this weekend. 7 hours of continuos training each day both Saturday and Sunday. Heh, survival mode. :)
In the next update: 1) about inspiration; 2) I am constantly hungry. Stay tuned!
We entered the 12th week of training. So far it's been a great run. Here are some results - goods and bads, some experience.
So far the hardest part remains running - although I've been running for so many years but gravity is definitely works against you in this discipline comparing to bycicle riding or swimming. Last Sunday we had a 10 miles run in Santa Cruz - it was quite good but not as good as I would expect - mostly because I gained 6 or 7 pounds during the holidays and got heavier. The heavier you are the harder to run - simple :)
Still - running is the easiest in terms of techniques - my body is quite accustomed to it.
I still struggle with some technique problems - I drag my legs, i.e. they are too low in the water. Partially it is because of my Ancylosing Spondilitis - my spine's curvature doesn't allow me to be as straight as I would like to be. On the other hand - I still need to practice to put my head lower in the water.
Last Sunday - my first open water swimming in a wetsuit. We went to Santa Cruz and had an hour swim exercise in the ocean. The water temperature was about 50 degrees Farenheit - about 10 degrees Celcius. I had two major surpises: 1) it was quite warm on the body inside of the wetsuit; 2) it was damn so cold on face, hands and feet. One of the best impressions - liying on the back in the water belly up, looking at the blue California sky and thinking - wow! it's so much fun to be in the ocean in January.
Biking is getting better and better. I did fitting for my bike yesterday - we ended up with simply raising the seat a little bit. I am learning more and more to use my hamstrings to pull the pedals. Last Saturday we had a 26 miles ride - with one relatively significant climbs. It helped tremendously to pull with one leg and then pull with another.
Very close to the finish like I almost fell very nastily. It was downhill and the speed was quite high. I started signaling with my arm that I turn to the right and all of a sudden I started loosing balance and swerved to the left. The only thing I remember is starting shouting "AAAAAAAAAAaaaaa!!!" and somehow (I don't even know how it happened) I regained my balance and was able to pedal further. It was quite scary. The whole day after that I was recalling this with my heart stopping.
Another great thing about this trainging - I went to CPR training and got a certificate that I know how to do CPR and AED (this is the electrical shock device to start up the heart).